Email Service

Send Personalized Email

Create an exceptional email program with the Email API trusted by top brands to deliver at scale.

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Email API

Send with confidence

Deliver more emails

We don’t just send emails, we make sure they are delivered — with optimal placement and low latency.

Our platform processes millions of data points in real-time to surface and resolve issues that would otherwise negatively impact your performance.

Email API

70 ms

Email API Response

Copy & Paste

Developer Docs

+8 Programming

Supported Languages

30 seconds

To start using Email API

Email use cases

Account Creation Emails

As one of the first transactional emails a subscriber will receive from your brand, account creation emails are critical to establishing a relationship with your users.

Use account creation emails as an opportunity to connect with your subscribers and begin a reliable communication with them.

Account Creation Emails

Password Reset Emails

Password reset emails allow users to recover passwords or set new ones in an effort to gain access to your app.

This type of transactional email is essential to any application that requires a password.

Password Reset Emails
Created with sketchtool.

As empresas confiam à Releans os seus dados. Usamos fornecedores que são compatíveis com a ISO 27001.

Created with sketchtool.

Os funcionários da Releans são examinados quanto ao conhecimento, experiência e integridade.

Your emails are safe and secure

Não comprometemos a protecção dos dados. A Releans investe continuamente em proteções e precauções em toda a nossa infraestrutura e políticas da empresa.


Controle o envolvimento em tempo real a partir de uma plataforma, otimize seus envios transacionais e de marketing em tempo real usando ferramentas como alimentação aprimorada de atividade de e-mail e histórico

Email Statistics
Funcionalidades de Email Arrow
Send with confidence.
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Perguntas? Fale com os nossos especialistas

Send billion email in seconds
Send billion email in seconds

Whether you send one email or a billion, our Email Servers supports all campaign volumes.

E-mails que são entregues

Nossas taxas de aceitação de caixa de entrada são de 96,99%. Isso está acima do padrão da indústria.

Preços Flexíveis para E-mails

Starting at $0.001 per email, select the pricing option that’s right for you.

24/7 Support
Remarkable customer experience. 24/7 support for you and your team, with local presence in 5 countries.

50 +


98 %


Releans Customer Service

Contact sales to discuss our products and solutions.

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