Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Reach your customers with campaigns. Increase the open rate of your mobile marketing and communicate with your audience.

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Online Business Messaging campaigns

Intuitive Interface

The user-friendly platform takes you in a couple steps to send a successful campaign.

Direct to mobiles

Releans covers all networks worldwide. Connected directly to over +1,200 carriers

Свяжитесь с миллионами за секунду

Send out messages to a large number of customers from your company name

SMS Marketing Campaigns

Upload your customers list (.xlsx) segmentation for targeted SMS offers and discounts for holidays.

You can segment your audience according to their age, interests, gender, mobile network code, and more. The more segments you have, the more relevant your messages will be.

SMS Marketing Campaigns

Powerful Features for Engaging Messaging Experiences

Schedule Messages

Schedule campaigns to be send at a certain date and spread them over time


Automatically remove duplicate phone numbers from your database


Simply add smileys and emoji's to your message and bring your campaign to live

Loyal Customers
Mobile Numbers List

Upload Contacts

Unlimited number of lists or list size, Upload and send to large volumes

Created with sketchtool.

Компании доверяют Releans свои данные. Мы работаем с провайдерами, которые соответствуют стандарту ISO 27001.

Created with sketchtool.

Сотрудники Releans проверяются на уровень квалификации, опыта и надежность.

Ваши списки клиентов в надежности и безопастности

Мы серьезно подходим к защите вавшей информации. Releans постоянно инвестирует в меры безопастности в рамках инфраструктуры и политики безопасности компании.

Add Mobile Landing Pages to your SMS Campaigns

Promote new arrivals and back in stock items. Create urgency with limited time offers and coupon codes using QR codes.

Add form fields and drop downs to collect leads or opt-ins. Share online surveys to gain insights into customer satisfaction using form fields - publish, send, analyse.

Mobile Landing Pages in SMS Campaigns
24/7 Support
Remarkable customer experience. 24/7 support for you and your team, with local presence in 5 countries.

50 +


99 %


Releans Customer Service

Contact sales to discuss our products and solutions.

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