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How to send an SMS

When you want to send out SMS messages you can use our ‘Quick Send’ or ‘Send Campaign’ feature in the SMS section of your account.

Before start sending messages you have to register Sender ID.

Quick send

The ‘Quick Send’ feature is particularly useful when you are only sending to 1 or 15 numbers. Before you start sending, make sure you have enough SMS credits to cover the cost of the messages.


Send Campaign

With our Send Campaign feature, you can send text messages from the Releans Dashboard to your customers' list at the same time in simple steps:

Go to the left-hand side of your Dashboard screen and under SMS Marketing → Start SMS Campaign.

Now you can select which Sender ID your message will appear from in your customer phone, and choose the customer list which uploaded before, to create a new list hit here.


Message characters counter

At the bottom left corner of the text area, you'll find a counter with numbers that update as you type your message. Each SMS message can hold a maximum of 160 characters including spaces, the maximum number of characters you can write down is 1377 (around 8 SMS). Be careful some carriers reject long messages. 


Schedule your message

With this feature, you can set-up the date and time (hour and minutes) to the time preferred to send. 


If you need to make any changes, you can back to the Dashboard homepage, you'll see your campaign scheduled click on the pen icon to edit the information. Keep in mind that the scheduled start time will use your country time zone, which you’ve set up in your account.